Harrogate BID, working in partnership with its colleagues at North Yorkshire Police, is asking businesses to make sure it is not only their employees who are staying safe during the coronavirus lockdown, but their premises too.
Whilst the Police across the country are reporting a rise in the number break-ins at businesses, this has not happened in Harrogate. However, with the lockdown being extended by a further three weeks, it would be prudent for business owners to take precautionary measures.
PS 1543 Alex Sellars, adviser to the Harrogate BID board, said: “People in Harrogate have on the whole been very responsible with keeping to the government’s guidance regarding social isolation and they have my thanks for their efforts.
“With businesses closed and this reduced footfall in the town, we want to ensure town centre properties are as secure as possible, and not a target for the criminals looking for easy pickings.”
The following tips will lessen the chance that your business will become a target of criminality:
- If you don’t have security shutters, remove all stock from shop windows
- Fit security cameras (which can be purchased reasonably cheap on-line) and place within key areas- Please refer to https://ico.org.uk/. to make sure that any camera installation is registered legally and correctly.
- If cameras are internet enabled, make sure you have a reliable and secure connection
- Put up notices to say premises are being monitored by a security company
- Ensure property is security marked
- If you have external lights, leave them on or replace with motion-sensitive ones
- Make sure mortice locks are at least five-lever and comply with your insurance company specifications
- Ensure all windows are properly secured
- Report any suspicious activity to the police
- Ensure your alarm has been serviced and is operating correctly.
- Email the police at enquiries@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk with your up to date key holder details to ensure that the police and other emergency services can provide an effective response to alarms sounding at your premises.
PS Sellars added: “I’m pleased to report that a number of businesses have already removed stock from their windows, whilst others have boarded their windows up entirely. Both of these make perfect sense and are moves that we welcome.”