Harrogate BID has opened up applications for its Street Art and Entertainment campaigns in 2025.
As part of the organisation’s ‘Pride in our Town and ‘A Vibrant Town’ objectives in the Business Plan, the BID team have launched specifications for companies to sign up for some of its key campaigns across the year.
Street Entertainment is organised by the Business Improvement District (BID) at key times of the year to bring comedy, wit and overall fun to the streets of Harrogate.
In the past, various organisations have brought acts including ‘Team BGee’ – which gathered millions of views across social media platforms in 2024 – ‘The National Elf Service’ over the Christmas period and ‘Trick and Treat’ at Halloween.
In 2024, the BID also commissioned a series of Street Art projects to brighten up vacant units and empty walls in the town centre. Working alongside talented artists, the new artwork has helped to improve the empty former Debenhams unit on Union Street and a blank wall along Albert Street.
Looking ahead further into 2025, the BID has launched specifications for Street Art improvements on Cheltenham Road/Wesley Chapel, the King’s Road steps and on Albert Road.
Please use the links below to access the specifications for each of these areas: