Harrogate businesses owners and landlords are now able to discover what the rateable value of their properties from April 1, 2023.
Whilst welcoming the review – which Harrogate BID has repeatedly called for – its Chair Sara Ferguson warned there were winners and losers, but for those whose valuations had risen, it didn’t necessarily mean they would pay business rates.
Sara said: “For a number of years, Harrogate BID has been asking the government to review business rates, and I’m really pleased this has now happened.
“Looking at the website, it appears that the majority of the business have seen their business rates reduced, which will be a relief to many, particularly with the rise in fuel, raw materials and energy costs.
“And for those that have seen their rate rise, those at the lower end of the scale will still benefit from rate relief, with plenty of small business not paying anything at all.
“Also, as announced in last week’s Autumn Statement, the Government has set a £13.6bn business rates relief package, designed to soften the blow of those whose bills are going up in April, which will help a good number of businesses.
“It will also mean from April, some businesses who have been BID levy payers no longer being so, whilst some, who have not been levy payers before, now falling into that bracket.”
Businesses wanting to know what their rateable value will be from April 1, 2023 can find out here, https://www.tax.service.gov.uk/business-rates-find/search
Further information about Harrogate BID is available from its website, https://harrogatebid.co.uk/
For further information, please contact:
David Simister, Different PR, on 07870 550 760